Other Ways to Give
Gifts of long term, highly appreciated securities are the most common type of outright property gift. Typically, individual stocks are given; however, bonds or mutual fund shares are also attractive gift options. Outright gifts of securities can be made quickly and these gifts let you do more with your gift because of the very attractive tax benefits.
For appreciated property held long term, the full fair market value of securities given to charity is generally deductible for itemizers. For example, if you give shares of stock that are now worth $10,000, you can deduct the full amount of the gift on your income tax return (subject to certain income limitations), even though you may have bought the stock for $1,000.
A charitable gift of securities held long term is not considered a sale of the securities and does not generate any capital gains tax, no matter the amount of the gain. This is a valuable tax incentive provided by Congress to encourage gifts of appreciated property. The result: a charitable deduction is allowed for capital gains that would have been taxed. And, if we sell the securities, we keep every penny of the proceeds since we are tax exempt. To make your gift, transfer the stock to us - do not sell the stock.
Please give your advisor this information to give stock to 世界杯官方app.
Contact UT System Development and Gift Planning Services:
Phone: (512) 579-5142
Email: stock@utsystem.edu
Transfer up to $100,000 (annual aggregate amount) directly from an IRA to us. The gift, available to those age 70½ or over, counts toward your RMD if one is due, and you pay no tax on the distribution.
Instruct your IRA administrator to mail a check directly to The University of Texas at San Antonio (payable to 世界杯官方app) to: 世界杯官方app Gift Services, One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. 世界杯官方app's Federal Tax-Exempt ID number is 74-1717115.
Make an irrevocable gift to a fund maintained by a charitable organization and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift. As the name implies, you can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, you may not place material restrictions on the fund.
As a state government agency, 世界杯官方app is eligible for a grant from Donor Advised Funds. Grants should be made payable to The University of Texas at San Antonio and mailed as follows: 世界杯官方app Gift Services, One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. Use 世界杯官方app’s Tax ID Number 74-1717115.
Matching gifts can double or triple your gift to 世界杯官方app and you are recognized for both your gift and any resulting matches! Over 1,000 companies sponsor matching gift programs and some companies will even match gifts from retired employees, part-time employees, and spouses.
If your company matches gifts, you may be able to access the forms directly through your search. Follow the directions and 世界杯官方app will secure your employer's matching gift for you.
If your company uses a paper matching gift form, please complete it and send it to:
世界杯官方app Office of Gift Services - Matching Gifts Program
One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249
世界杯官方app's Tax ID number is 74-1717115
世界杯官方app Alumni Association Tax ID number is 74-1977996 (only use this for donations to the 世界杯官方app Alumni Association).
Recognize someone special with a memorial or tribute gift. 世界杯官方app will send a note to the family of the honoree to acknowledge your special gift.
Payment Options
For any questions regarding a gift to 世界杯官方app, please contact the Office of Development and our team will be ready to help you. Email giving@sovab-presse.com or Call (210) 458-4130.
Make an immediate impact for students with an online tax-deductible gift. You may choose a one-time or ongoing gift, and designate it to the college or fund of your choice. Give Now.
Set it and forget it with a monthly gift by credit card or EFT.
If you are a 世界杯官方app faculty or staff member, you may make a gift through payroll deduction. It is an easy, convenient way to support your college, program, students, and the university overall. Learn More.